Wednesday, April 1, 2009


So how do you get 25 pounds of gear to the end of Point Lobos? Read on...

So after my last post you would think I would be done looking for gear... Well...

"Photographers and bags are like women and purses..."

I don't know what happened first with my camera gear; carrying so much crap around; or getting a bigger bag to put it all in... Somewhere along the line I learned that equipment X can do Y and if I want to do Y I better have X. So I have a Bag that now weighs 25 pounds!!! 8-0 I find solace in the fact that many other message boards are filled with photographers facing the same problem.

Searching places like have revealed what looks like a good solution but I don't know just yet. Think Tank Photo makes a "Modular belt system" which seems like a good idea. They have 2 dealers near me. (Camera West and Bear Images) I checked them out one weekend and decided on the modular system.

This worked out very well down in Montery and Point Lobos.

The only problem I had was where do I put my camera when I am eating or if I have to hike over some particularly difficult boulders? This is a problem with the belt system when you are hiking. So I ended up with the Streetwalker Harddrive. This is the perfect companion for me. Some might think that this bag is too big for walk around photography... Well you just have to have a place to put the reflector and other flash modifiers. That is what I put in the laptop slot when I am not traveling. It works great with a 24" reflector in there!!!

Thanks go to both Camera West and Bear Images for helping me with this decision. They were both very helpful!

Light Cipher